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Julie Côté


Gemma Caulfield cover front.jpg

During her winter break, Cassidy heads back to Akre Island to visit Simon. It doesn't take long for strange things to happen, and Cassidy and Simon find themselves trying to solve another mystery—who is leaving footprints in the snow? And, more importantly, how can they help?

The Trail of Gemma Caulfield

The Ghosts of Akre Island, Book 2

The Greatest Thief Series

Without a King

Written in First Person

Thoughts on inspiration, worldbuilding and storytelling

Passport and Compass

Adventures Travelling and Camping




Julie Côté writer

Julie Côté has been telling stories as long as she can remember. One of her earliest books (drawn circa 1997 and transcribed by her dad) was about a red lamb running away from a fox.

Julie shared her stories with friends and family 

throughout middle and high school. She started the Greatest Thief series in university, using her Classical History classes as inspiration.

In 2017, she self-published her first book, and she has plenty of stories to follow.



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